Optimize your company’s processes!

By using professional cloud computing services you will save time and money!

Modern cloud computing solutions may help your company to optimize business processes, reduce IT infrastructure maintenance costs and, what is most important – to save employee time.

Due to development of information technologies, the amount of resources used and data collected is growing at a rapid pace. It is becoming increasingly difficult for business companies to keep up with recent trends and have within their premises a modern IT infrastructure that would satisfy all needs.

Because of this reason alone it has become inefficient to have within a company a personal local server equipment and run constant maintenance and updates. It is one of the main reasons why cloud computing services are becoming increasingly popular. They not only save your precious time and money, but at the same time solve a series of IT infrastructure problems!

Our qualified and highly-experienced employees will help you solve both minor and very complex IT infrastructure problems.

System administrator help

Our professional and highly-experienced employees will help you solve IT problems. Our services range from phone consultations to solving serious and complex IT infrastructure problems. Tell us about your concerns and we will try to help you.

Server virtualization

Virtual private servers (VPS) is a cloud computing area which popularity is rapidly increasing. You no longer have to have a physical local server at your company. In this way you can reduce power costs, do not have to hire an expert for IT infrastructure maintenance or worry that in a few years your server will grow morally old and you will start feeling the lack of resources. By having a virtual private server you will able to access it at any time of the day from any part of the world. You will not have to worry about the lack of server resources and our specialists will help to solve problems quickly and effectively.

Cloud computing solutions

Cloud computing covers a sufficiently wide range of services. We can take care of your company’s file storage, create a virtual private company network, take care of always accessible accounting software server, creation of virtual workspace and many other unique and useful solutions for your business.

SSL security certificates for your website

SSL certificate is the evidence of a website’s reliability and security. It helps to encode the information passed between a client and a server, therefore in case of hacking the encoded data is practically unable to be used by other parties. Websites with embedded SSL certificates receive a higher level of consumer trust, especially when a website uses their personal data.